I’m in love with pinning life quotes from Pinterest right now. I love it when you come across a quote that just resonates in your soul. Like, yay! I’m not the only loser out there who feels this way, or needs this advice, or needs this kick in the ass.
I have to admit, though, it’s kind of embarrassing and I’ve thought that if you follow me on Pinterest and see all my lame quotes showing up in your feed, you probably think I’m a hot mess. Some days I’m so embarrassed by my quote over-pinning that I pin some of them to a secret board.
I even had to create two Pinterest boards on quotes because I had so many, I had to split them up between life advice and love advice. When I’m feeling blue about my love life, I just remember:

Sometimes it’s hard being the coffee instead of the Two Buck Chuck Cabernet, but this quote reminds me that I would rather be black coffee than Two Buck Chuck any day.
Or what about this one?

I’m a crier in general, so I wear waterproof mascara. But yes please, mess up my lipstick, not my mascara! Messy lipstick is so much more attractive than messy mascara…
This one really resonated with me when I thought of all of my past relationships and realized that with every single one, this quote was absolutely true. Why hadn’t I thought of this myself?

Don’t ignore the red flags. There are also white flags, black flags and green flags, so while you may want to solely pay attention to them, the red flags are the ones that need the most action.
Then there’s this one (see above, I cry at everything)

One time, I was sitting in my boss’s office crying uncontrollably because he told me I dropped the ball on something. He didn’t even know what to do with me at that point, so he sent me home. I can tell you without a doubt it feels like crap when all you want to do is stop crying and it just makes you cry harder.
How about this reminder to live your life:

Such a good reminder that you should do all of the above and enjoy life and continue to grow as a person along the way.
I’m a worrier and I’m smart and cute, so I loved this one:

Umm, how about this one on growing older and being a good person from Gary Janetti (follow him on Insta if you don’t already):

Gary Janetti is one of my favorite people to follow onInstagram. He is married to Brad Gorskiof celebrity stylist fame. He’s hilarious. And as you can tell, he’s blunt. I love this one because, well, it’s true, but don’t be an ahole. Just be a nice person.
There are a ton of depression and anxiety quotes on Pinterest. This one is especially true:

It is hell having both. But then, you can just look at this quote and remember it will all work out just fine:

And this is my quote of the year. It spoke so loudly to me. One of my good friends even sent me a text when she saw that I had pinned it, and said “I love this.” Me, too.